NIHA Stock Horse
Clinic & Practice Show
August 24
Clinic: 8:00am - 12:00pm
August 25
Show: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Dalton Garden Arena
Dalton Gardens, ID 83815
Contact: 509-899-7069 text or call
Join us for the NIHA stock horse clinic and show at Dalton Arena! This family-friendly event is suitable for all ages and experience levels. We'll start with a clinic to help new riders get introduced to the show patterns and rules, followed by a show featuring stock horse pleasure class, trail class, reining class, and working cow horse class. Don't miss out on the fun!​
August 24, Clinic
8:00am - 12:00pm
CLINIC TOPICS ($50 per participant)
I am new to showing horses, where do I start?
What's the difference between Ranch Horse and Stock Horse?
What are the patterns and events?
Can I win money / prizes?
Where are the shows held?
Are there any local shows?
How much does it cost?
What are the classes / divisions ?
What are the rules and regulations?
I don't have cows, where can I practice?
August 25, Show
8:00am - 12:00pm
Any skill level rider and horse can compete! Our divisions are designed to allow every competitor to have a fair chance of winning. You are not required to compete in every class and can choose the classes you are most comfortable with. You can also win within a class without having to compete in all 4 classes.
CLASSESS ($25 per class)
Stock Horse Pleasure
Represents the ability of the horse to be functional and pleasure to ride. The order of gaits shall be:
1) Extended walk
2) Trot
3) Extended trot
4) Lope
5) Stop and reverse
6) Ordinary walk
7) Lope
8) Extended lope
9) Trot
10) Stop and back
Stock Horse Trail
A horse is ridden through a pattern of obstacles found during the course of everyday work such as:
1) Walking/trotting/loping over the logs
2) Opening and closing gates
3) Riding over a stationry bridge
4) Stepping-up to the fence
5) Backing-up and side passing
6) dragging the objects with a rope
Measures the ability of the western stock horse. Maneuvers include:
1) Stops
2) Spins
3) Rollbacks
4) Circles
5) Backups
6) Hesitate
7) Lead changes
8) Run downs nd around the ends
Working Cow Horse
Designed to demonstrate the horse's ability to do cow work. Short Stirrup Division is exempt from this class.
1) Cow horse pattern / dry pattern (everyone except 18 and over Limited Division).
2) Flag work (different pattern difficulty will be arranged for Novice and Limited).
Short Stirrup, 7 & under. Lead line class, must be accompanied by an adult. Walk and trot only. This division does not allow any additional points for loping or any intermediate level maneuvers. Can not participate in Working Cow Horse class.
Youth. Youth classes are split into two divisions: 8-13 and 14-17. Youth age as of January 1st of the current year will determine eligibility.
Novice. Reserved for individuals with limited / minimal riding and showing experience who wish to learn more about showing at a beginner’s pace. Everyone new to competition doesn’t necessarily need to start in the novice division. Their skill may be better suited for one of the other divisions.
Open. The Open division is open to any professional or non-professional competitor, with any horse regardless of past winnings or experience. Best suited for advanced riders and trainers.
This show adheres to American Stock Horse Association (ASHA) rules and regulations. For more information on patterns, regulations, and judging methods, please refer to ASHA Handbook or attend our clinic on June 22nd prior to the show.

For more information, pleas visit our facebook page or contact us directly.
(509) 899-7069 or (208) 660-4497